5-Nov-21 |
Proposals for the organization of the 22nd International Zeolite Conference |
The IZA Executive Council is soliciting proposals for organizing the 22nd IZC to be held in 2028. A proposal should contain sufficient detail, including the specific proposed conference location, to permit a reasonable evaluation of its merits, and must contain the name of a person who agrees to become the Conference Organizer, if the IZA council would select the proposal. The time schedule for this process is shown schematically below.
Selection of the venue for the 22 IZC:
A |
B |
C |
20th IZC
July 3-8
2022 |
6 months |
2 months |
2 months |
2 months |
Letter of Interest |
Applicants fill in questionnaire |
Council preselects best bids |
Applicants prepare presentation |
A: Those who plan to submit a bid for the 22nd IZC should send a letter of intent to the IZA President (martin.hartmann@ecrc.uni-erlangen.de) or the IZA Secretary (lolly@unicamp.br) at least six months before the 20th IZC. It should contain the name of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, the Members of the Organizing Committee and the envisaged venue and date for the 22nd IZC. The Organizing Committee is expected to include well-established academics in the field of zeolite-type materials. Upon receipt of the letter of intent, the Secretary shall send the detailed questionnaire "Proposal for the Organization of the 22nd IZC to be held in 2028" to the applicant.
B: This questionnaire, properly filled in and signed, must be received by the President and Secretary at least four months before the 20th IZC. All bids received by this date are distributed to the IZA Council members.
C: The Council will finalize the pre-selection two months before the 20th IZC. The IZA President will notify all those who submitted bid(s) of the outcome of the pre-selection and the date for the presentation to the IZA Council. This gives the successful applicants two months to prepare their presentations for the Business Meeting at the 20th IZC. At the IZA Council meeting, after the presentations of the pre-selected proposals, the IZA Council will vote for the selection of the final winner. The winner will be announced at the closing Business Meeting at the 20th IZC.
24-Oct-21 |
ENI award
Two zeolite scientists, Jörg Kärger (Leipzig) and Jürgen Caro (Hannover), received the prestigious ENI award in the category “Advanced Environmental Solutions” for their research on “mass transfer in nanoporous materials: paradigm shift and technological use for advanced environmental solutions” during the Eni Award ceremony at the Palazzo del Qirinale in Rome in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic. Their work was dedicated to the development of novel techniques for measuring intrinsic diffusion, with the knowledge gained being highly efficient for the fabrication of transport-optimized membranes. Caro began his career as Kärger's first doctoral student in the Physics Institute of Leipzig University (photograph) with a thesis that in some ways already laid the foundation for today's success. In the section “Recognition of Innovation at Eni” section, which recognizes the most innovative projects developed by Eni’s researchers and technical experts, at the same event past-IZA president Giuseppe Bellussi and colleagues were awarded for their patent “Process for the mineralisation of CO2 with natural mineral phases and the use of these products in the formulation of cements”.

Prof. Jörg Kärger (left) and Jürgen Caro (right).
19-Oct-21 |
Douglas Morris Ruthven (2038 - 2021)
It is with great sadness that we have to communicate the passing of Professor Douglas Morris Ruthven on September 23, 2021 at the age of eighty-two. We mourn the loss of a brilliant scientist, a truly gifted university teacher, a wonderful human being, and a good, reliable friend.
Born in Ernakulum, India, on October 9, 1938, he was educated at Christ’s Hospital school and at the University of Cambridge. After receiving his first degree, he worked in industry for two years before his inquisitiveness and investigative drive led him back to the university, where he received his PhD from Cambridge in 1966. Eventually, in 1988 the University of Cambridge awarded him a Doctor of Science degree for “distinction by some original contribution to the advancement of science or learning”.
Right after receiving his PhD, Doug accepted a professorship in Chemical Engineering at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, Canada. Here he became a key figure for many generations of students, as well as for countless guest researchers coming to Fredericton from all over the world. Many followed him when, in the new millennium, he moved from Fredericton to the University of Maine in the US.
Before long, Doug was one of the most renowned researchers worldwide in the field of adsorption. An important part of this reputation is due to his book Principles of Adsorption and Adsorption Processes, published in 1984, which became a classic. He was awarded recognition as one of the top twenty achievers in Chemical Engineering in the Twentieth Century by the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering and the Max Planck Research Award by the German Humboldt Foundation and Max-Planck Society.
Doug was one of the leading pioneers in adsorption science and engineering and, accordingly, among the founders of both the International Zeolite Association and the International Adsorption Society, once serving as its president. His best memories were the personal contacts he made; he made his students and guests feel like part of a family. We mourn the loss of a cherished friend; our thoughts are with his wife Patricia and daughter Fiona.
6-Oct-21 |
Alan Dyer (1934 - 2021)
Professor Alan Dyer, known for his brilliant work on ion exchange in zeolites, passed away of age of 87. Alan was born on 29th March 1934 in Salford, the son of Colin and Florence Dyer. He gained his BSc with honours at the University of Sheffield (1954) and his PhD at Kings College, London (1958), finally being awarded a DSc by the University of Salford (1981). His academic life started in teaching at Wardley Grammar School, Worsley, Lancashire from 1957-1959. This was followed by an appointment as Lecturer at the Royal Technology College, Salford from 1959-1961. In 1961 he took the post of Senior Lecturer at the Royal College of Advanced Technology, Salford until 1964, when the college was made a University. He remained a Lecturer at the University of Salford until 1970, when he was promoted to Senior Lecturer and in 1985 he was promoted to Reader. Alan became Professor of Chemistry at Salford in 1997 and remained in this post until he retired; he was also a visiting Professor for Loughbourgh University. Alan was a consultant to numerous companies including BNFL, Alcan Chemicals, SDS BioTech, ICI and of course Laporte.
Alan married Dilys Patricia Groves on the 30th August 1958, and had four children, Andrew, Fiona, Jennifer and Christopher. He died peacefully, in the early hours of 7th September 2021; he will be very sadly missed by all who knew him.
9-Aug-21 |
9th International Zeolite Membrane Meeting (IZMM) - Postponed
The 9th International Zeolite Membrane Meeting (IZMM) will be held in Nanjing, China, but was postponed from 2022 to 2023. The decision was made due to the current covid-19 pandemic situation and the rules of travelling around the world which are, currently, uncertain. The organizers evaluate that because IZMM is a very specialized conference, a face-to-face meeting would be better for communication. The situation will be re-evaluated by the middle of 2022. IZMM2023 will be virtual if the restriction on travelling is still operative at that time.
1-Mar-21 |
The natural counterpart of zeolite A (LTA-type) discovered |
A team of Colombian, Spanish and British scientists led by Carlos Alberto Ríos-Reyes has described the first occurrence of zeolite A in nature (Crystals, https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst11020218). According to the authors, Na–A zeolite and associated mineral phases such as sodalite were formed by high diagenesis processes, temperatures around 80-100 °C and weathering contributions. These conditions allowed the geochemical remobilization and/or recrystallization of pre-existing silica, muscovite, kaolinite minerals group, salts, carbonates, oxides and peroxides. Scanning electron micrographs show the typical cubic morphology of Na–A zeolite with a particle size of approximately 0.45 µm. A literature review shows that this is an unusual example for the occurrence of natural zeolites in sedimentary marine rocks recognized around the world.
1-Mar-21 |
Michael Stöcker becomes a Member of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering Sciences |
The General Assembly of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering Sciences has elected Michael Stöcker as an International Member of the Academy on February 23, 2021, following the nominations passed on by the Section for Scientific Research as well as the Section for International Relations. The solemn inauguration ceremony is scheduled for autumn this year in Brdo pri Kranju (close to Ljubljana), Slovenia. Congratulations for this great honor go to Michael Stöcker, who has served the international zeolite community for many years particularly as Editor-in-Chief of our journal Microporous and Mesoporous Materials and has been elected as honorary member of IZA. |
4-Dec-20 |
Herman van Bekkum (1932 - 2020) |
We received the very sad news that Em. Prof. Dr. ir. Herman van Bekkum, who was one of the founders of the Dutch Zeolite Association (DZA) and the first President of the Federation of European Zeolite Associations (FEZA), passed away on November 30, 2020.
Herman van Bekkum was born in 1932 in Rotterdam. He graduated in chemical technology (1956) with Prof. Verkade and then obtained his Ph.D. (1959) with Prof. Wepster at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft, back then TH Delft). After working for two years as a researcher at Shell, he returned to the TU Delft in 1961 with a position as Lecturer. In 1971, he was appointed as Professor in Organic Chemistry and Catalysis. From 1975 to 1976 he served as Rector Magnificus of the TU Delft. Through the years he covered other important positions, including Chairman of the KNCV (Royal Netherlands Chemical Society) and Chairman of the Innovative Carbohydrates Research Program. In 1995 he was elected Member of the KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences). In 1991 he was appointed Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion and in 2007 Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau.
His research focused on two main topics: zeolites and carbohydrate chemistry, with an overarching interest for catalytic conversion of organic compounds. We all remember him for his scientific qualities and his liveliness and enthusiasm in participating in scientific discussions, also for many years after his official retirement in 1998. People who met him at the TU Delft would certainly remember his availability in providing useful scientific advice to young researchers that knocked at the door of his office, which had a table covered with books, papers and models of zeolite structures that proved his never-ending enthusiasm for his research. He was also a familiar and welcome presence at the Netherlands’ Catalysis and Chemistry Conference, which he regularly attended until recent years. People that met him and talked with him would remember not only the brilliant scientist but also a person with many other passions and with whom the conversation was always enriching, regardless whether the topic was a zeolite framework, his Alfa Romeo or playing chess. In this sad moment our thoughts go out to the family of Prof. Herman van Bekkum. His memory will remain with us and hopefully we will be able to pass what we learnt from him to the next generations.
On behalf of the Dutch Zeolite Association and of the Dutch Catalysis Society,
Prof. Dr. Paolo P. Pescarmona
16-Oct-20 |
Klaus Unger (1936 - 2020) |
Our friend and colleague Klaus Unger passed away after a short illness on October 7th 2020. We have lost an excellent scientist, a wonderful mentor, a dear friend, in short: a true “Mensch”.
Klaus was highly successful in two rather separate fields of science, in zeolite science and in chromatography, both connected by his deep interest in porous materials. His early work on innovative silica-based stationary phases for chromatography led him to broaden his interest to zeolites and later on to ordered mesoporous materials. His science was always characterized by the combination of a deep understanding of the fundamentals of the materials he worked on and a keen eye for practical applications. He was therefore always a sought-after partner for industrial companies, and his many decade long relationships to Merck at Darmstadt, only a few kilometres away from his home in Seeheim-Jugenheim, testifies of the importance of his research also for industry. Klaus loved the area, with the vineyards of the Rheingau, the Odenwald, and the Spessart close by for extended hikes. So after his habilitation inrmstadt, he only moved across the Rhine to Mainz to become a professor for Analytical Chemistry, and stayed with Mainz University until his retirement in 2001.
Klaus had colleagues and friends basically anywhere in the world, and all of them enjoyed him as a partner for scientific collaborations and beyond. He has served on IUPAC committees for the characterization of porous solids, he co-initiated a number of high profile conference series, and he was always active in various scientific organization, such as the IZA, the German Fachgruppe Zeolithe (DECHEMA), or the Arbeitskreis Chromatographie of the Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie of the German Society for Chemistry (GDCh). He was one of the founding members of Federation of European Zeolite Associations (FEZA) as the chairman of the German Zeolite Association at that time, and served as the first treasurer. Born in Zwickau, which was for about 40 years part of East Germany, he always kept links to the colleagues in the former GDR also during the separation of the two countries, and after Germany’s reunification, he played a very active role in helping to re-integrate the science between East and West Germany in the field of porous materials and separation science.
Prof. Unger was loved by his students and coworkers. They enjoyed scientific freedom, support wherever it was needed, and the overall very warm, welcoming and extremely friendly atmosphere in the group. Within hours after the news of his passing away spread, there were dozens of emails expressing the sadness of his former co-workers, and one quote from the mails stands for all of them: “one of a kind with the biggest generous heart”. This is how we all feel – it was a privilege to have known Klaus, and the zeolite community will miss him dearly from now on.