15-Dec-15 |
for the 2016 Donald W. Breck Award invited |
Breck Award nomination committee invites nominations for the 2016
Donald W. Breck
Award. This award is for "the most significant contribution to
Molecular Sieve Science and Technology made between January 1, 2012 and
December 31, 2015" and the winner will be announced at 18th IZC in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil.
The award may be given to an individual or to a group.
nomination should be accompanied by a list of references and a 2 page
summary outlining in detail the novel findings and their scientific
merit. It must be endorsed by five established zeolite scientists.
Nominations should be sent by March 15, 2016 to the Chair of the Breck
Award Committee:
Prof. Avelino Corma
Instituto de Tecnologia Química
UPV-CSIC Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Avda. de los Narajos s/n
E-46022 Valencia
27-Nov-15 |
for the organization of the 20th International Zeolite Conference |
IZA Executive Council is soliciting proposals for organizing the 20th
IZC to be held in 2022. A proposal should contain sufficient detail,
including the specific proposed conference location, to permit a
reasonable evaluation of its merits, and must contain the name of a
person who agrees to become the Conference Organizer, if the proposal
would be selected by the Membership. The time schedule for this process
is shown schematically below.
Selection of the venue for the 20th IZC:
A |
B |
C |
18th IZC
June 19-24
2015 |
months |
months |
2 months |
of Interest |
fill in questionnaire |
preselects best bid(s) |
prepare presentaion |
Those who plan to submit a bid for the 20th IZC should submit a letter
of intent to the IZA President (giuseppe.bellussi@eni.com) or to the
IZA Secretary (jihong@jlu.edu.cn) at least six months before the 18th
IZC. It should contain the name of the Chairman of the Organizing
Committee and the envisaged venue and date for the 20th IZC. Upon
receipt of the letter of intent, the Secretary shall send the detailed
questionnaire "Proposal for the Organization of the 20th IZC to be held
in 2022 to the applicant.
B: This questionnaire, properly filled in
and signed, must be received by the President or Secretary at least
four months before the 18th IZC. All bids received by this date are
distributed to the IZA Council members. The Council shall then review
the proposals and make a pre-selection of the best proposal or the two
best proposals or, in exceptional cases, the three best proposals, to
be presented to the Membership during the Business Meeting at the 18th
IZC for approval or final selection. |
5-Nov-15 |
The Structure
Commission has approved two new Framework Type Codes |
-IFU |
Type material: ITQ-54 |
Type material: ZSM-25 |
30-Apr-15 |
The Structure Commission
has approved four new Framework Type Codes |
Type material: CIT-7 |
Type material: PST-6 |
Type material: EMM-23 |
Type material: JU-92 |
5-Mar-15 |
Two new issues on Australia and New
Zealand have been added to the Catalog of Natural Zeolite Deposits |
the site of the Commission
on Natural Zeolites |
22-Dec-14 |
Valtchev will become the new IZA Webmaster in 2015 |
16 years as IZA Webmaster, Lynne McCusker will pass the baton to
Valentin Valtchev, member of the IZA Council and recipient of the first
FEZA Cronstedt Award, as of 1-January-2015. From then on, any
correspondence regarding the website should be sent to him at valentin.valtchev@ensicaen.fr. |
19-Dec-14 |
Two new documents have been added to the
Commission website |
them out |
17-Dec-14 |
more information on the history of the IZA added to the website |
Colella has added reports on the 2010 and 2013 conferences in Sorrento
and Moscow, respectively to the history section of the IZA website.
These are intended as updates to the book (also online) summarizing the
first 15 IZCs. He has also introduced a new subsection entitled
Memories with a first contribution from Alan Dyer.
He welcomes
contributions of articles or documents from the IZA membership, so if
you have something you think might be of interest, please contact him
at carmine.colella@unina.it. |
20-Nov-14 |
Edith Flanigen receives
the National Medal of Technology and Innovation
a White House ceremony, President Obama presented Edith Flanigen with
the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, which goes to the
nation's top inventors. |
from The Buffalo News |
Congratulations Edi! |
10-Nov-14 |
2014 Barrer Award goes to Luis
Gómez-Hortigüela |
Dr Luis Gómez-Hortigüela has received the 2014
Barrer award from the BZA for his outstanding predictive
computational studies of templating and reactivity of microporous
6-Oct-14 |
FEZA prize awarded to Tom Willhammar |
Willhammar from Stockholm University received the 6th FEZA (Federation
of European Zeolite Associations) prize for the best PhD work in
zeolites and related materials published between January 2011 and
December 2013.
19-Sep-14 |
The Structure
Commission has approved seven new Framework Type Codes |
material: ITQ-52 |
material: ITQ-50 |
*-ITN |
material: ITQ-39 |
material: ITQ-49 |
material: PKU-16 |
*-SSO |
material: SSZ-61 |
material: IM-17 |
17-Sep-14 |
Cronstedt Award to Valentin Valtchev and Svetlana Mintova |
The FEZA (Fedration of European Zeolite
Associations) has awarded
the first Cronstedt Award
for contributions to science and technology related to zeolites,
ordered mesoporous materials, metal organic frameworks or other porous
materials to
Valtchev and Svetlana Mintova (CNRS, Caen, France)
their fundamental studies on zeolite nucleation in organic-free
hydrogels, that brought the current state of the art to the level of
rational design of zeolite crystals and synthesis of high quality
nanosized zeolites.
10-Jun-14 |
Avelino Corma Canós, Mark E. Davis and Galen D.
Stucky receive
the Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research 2014 |
its meeting in Oviedo, the Jury for the 2014 Prince of Asturias Award
for Technical and Scientific Research decided to bestow the 2014 Award
on the chemist Avelino Corma Canós (Spain), the chemical engineer Mark
E. Davis (USA) and the physical chemist Galen D. Stucky (USA) for their
contributions to the development of microporous and mesoporous
materials and their applications.
The three researchers have made truly
remarkable contributions to the design and methods of synthesis of
these materials, the study of their properties and the development of
their applications in very diverse fields. These include the
petrochemical industry, biodegradable plastics and water treatment,
improved food quality, new medicines and revolutionary healthcare
materials, optoelectronic materials, emission reducing elements and, in
short, a broad range of activities in society.
Congratulations from
the IZA to these three prominent zeolite scientists! |
5-May-14 |
system search added to the Database of Zeolite Structures |
Baerlocher has been busy! He has updated the database to include the
channel system descriptions and ring drawings for the framework types
that have been approved since the printed edition of the Atlas of Zeolite Framework Types
appeared in 2007. At the same time, he added a new feature to the
"Advanced Search" function. It is now possible to search for the
maximum diameter of a sphere that can diffuse through the framework
These have already been implemented on the ETH and ASU servers, and
will appear shortly on the new Leuven and Stockholm ones. |
17-Mar-14 |
Developments in the Database of Zeolite
Structures |
are now four active servers for the Database
of Zeolite Structures.
These are maintained in Zürich, Switzerland, Tempe, AZ, USA, Stockholm,
Sweden and Leuven, Belgium. When you enter the database via http://www.iza-structure.org/databases/,
you will be linked automatically to the nearest available server. |
Natural Tilings that occur in at least two framework types are now
listed for each framework type in addition to the pdf file showing the
arrangement of the tiles. Drawings of all of these tiles can be found
by clicking on "Natural Tiling" for any framework
type. |
28-Jan-14 |
History of the IZA now available online |
book by Carmine Colella "A short history of the International Zeolite
Conference" that traces the history of the IZC from the first in London
in 1967 to the fifteenth in Beijing in 2007 can now be acessed online.
Just click on the "History" link in the Navigation Bar on the left of
this page. |
The Structure
Commission has approved five new Framework Type Codes |
material: ZnAlPO-57 |
material: ZnAlPO-59 (AlPO
Seven Layer Structure) |
material: SSZ-45 (ERS-18
(eighteen)) |
-IRY |
material: ITQ-40 |
material: ITQ-38 |