Erionite-Ca | |K2(Ca0.5,Na)8(H2O)30| [Al10Si26O72] | ||
Erionite-Na | |K2(Na,Ca0.5)7(H2O)30| [Al9Si27O72] | ||
Erionite-K | |K2(K,Na,Ca0.5)7(H2O)30| [Al9Si27O72] | ||
Morphology: | ![]() Erionite sprays, Agate Beach, Lincoln Co., Oregon, USA. Width of image 9 mm. |
6/m2/m2/m Single crystals as hexagonal prisms terminated by a pinacoid with sizes under 3 mm Fibrous and wool-like Common forms: {0001} and {1010} |
Physical properties: | |||
Cleavage: poor, prismatic Hardness: 3.5 – 4 Density: 2.02 - 2.13 g/cm3 Luster: vitreous Streak: white |
Optical properties: | |||
Color: colorless to pale tan
or pink, colorless in thin section Uniaxial (+ or -). ω = 1.455-1.477, ε = 1.459 – 1.480, δ= 0.003 – 0.005 Crystals with lower Si/Al tend to be negative (Passaglia et al., 1998) |
![]() Prismatic erionite replacement of rhyolite tuff in the Big Sandy Formation, Mohave Co., Arizona, USA. Width of image 0.48 mm (from Sheppard and Gude, 1973) |
Crystallography: | |||
Space Group: P63/mmc | |||
Unit cells: | |||
Erionite-Ca | a = 13.333 Å c =
15.091 Å (Harada et al., 1967) |
Erionite-Na | a = 13.214 Å c =
15.048 Å (Sheppard and Gude, 1969) |
Erionite-K | a = 13.227 Å c =
15.075 Å (Passaglia et al., 1998) |
Names: | |||
Erionite was described and named by Eakle (1898) for woolly masses occurring in welded rhyolite tuff at the old Durkee opal quarry, Swayze Creek, Baker County, Oregon, USA. The name is from the Greek word for wool, alluding to its appearance. The Subcommittee on Zeolites of the International Mineralogical Association, Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification elevated the name to series status, and named three new species based on the dominant extra-framework cation: erionite-Ca, type example from Mazé, Niigata Prefecture, Japan (Harada et al., 1967), erionite-K, type example from Rome, Malheur County, Oregon, USA (Eberly, 1964), and erionite-Na, type example from Cady Mountains, San Bernardino County, California, USA (Sheppard et al., 1965). | |||
Crystal structure: | |||
Erionite is one of the 6-ring
zeolites, a group that also includes offretite and levyne among others
(Gottardi and Galli, 1985). The framework (type ERI)
is constructed of 6-rings in the sequence AABAAC…, first proposed
by Staples and Gard (1959), and confirmed by later refinements, e.g.
Alberti et al. (1997). This stacking arrangement produces columns
of cancrinite cages alternating with double 6-ring (D6R) cages (formed
by the A 6-rings) and of erionite cavities between the B or C 6-rings. For clarity in this diagram only the tetrahedral sites and T-T linkages have been plotted. Like in most 6-ring zeolite structures the Si and Al are randomly distributed in the T-sites. |
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K-cations (shown as purple circles) occur in the cancrinite cages coordinated with 6 of the framework oxygen anions at distances of 2.92 Å. There are two such positions per unit cell, and these are filled (or nearly filled) in all erionite. All the remaining cations and all water molecules (blue circles) are in the erionite cages. In the erionite-Ca, refined by Alberti et al. (1997), there are three partially occupied positions Ca1 (here as yellow circles), Ca2 (green), and Ca3 (red). Each is coordinated with water molecules. | ![]() |
Even though there are six
cation sites within a single erionite cavity, only five can be occupied
simultaneously. The two Ca3 sites (red) are too close for simultaneous
occupancy. With two cavities per unit cell, the limit of the cation content
is about 10 (not counting the K-cations, which are in cancrinite cages).
Most crystals of high Si/Al erionite-Ca have about 5 cations per unit
cell (about 2.5 cations per erionite-cavity). Low Si/Al, erionite-Na,
like those that occur as overgrowths on levyne, has up to 10 cations
per unit cell (5 per cavity), requiring the maximum cavity occupancy.
Although the structure of such an erionite-Na composition has never been
refined, the cation sites are probably close to those shown here. Because of similarities in the framework structure of levyne, offretite, and erionite, these three minerals commonly exhibit epitaxial intergrowths. Most common is epitaxially oriented erionite on levyne, but offretite and erionite may alternate along a single prism as well. |
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Chemical composition: |
Erionite composition varies both in the Si,Al content of the framework and the cation content of the erionite cavities. | ||
R2+ - R+ - Si compositional plot and Na - Ca - K plot of the erionite series analyses from Passaglia et al. (1998) and others (click on either drawing to get a larger image). Squares (solid and open) represent samples from cavities in basaltic rocks, and circles represent samples from diagenetically altered pyroclastic rocks. Solid squares represent erionite from epitaxial overgrowths on levyne, and open squares from other associations in basalt cavities. The offset of points toward K corner in both plots is the result of essential K occurring in the cancrinite cages (Deer et al., 2004). |