Verified Syntheses of Zeolitic Materials
2nd Revised Edition
Conditions for recording of XRD patterns reported
in this book
Karl Petter Lillerud
Department of Chemistry
University of Oslo
P.R.1033 Blindem, N-0315 Norway
The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were
recorded with a SIEMENS D5000 diffractometer. The diffractometer was equipped
with a Ge-focusing primary monochromator giving Cu-Kα radiation (λ
= 1.5406 Å), a BROWN 70 mm linear position sensitive detector (PSD)
and a 40 position sample changer. The PSD is operated with 8° opening. A variable
entrance slit giving a constant 6 x 12 mm exposed area is used.
The reported intensity distribution is for fixed slit geometry. The diffraction
patterns are recorded with variable slit, but presented with at the intensity
distribution recalculated to simulate fixed slit mode. The intensity scale
(ordinant) for all patterns is K-Counts/second.
For comparison with measured diffraction patterns is it important to note
that routine measurements are often pefformed with a slit that will expose
more than the sample area at low angle. The observed intensities at low angle
will therefore be too small compared with these reference patterns and calculated
In this version of the collection all patterns are scaled to the same absolute
intensity. The diffraction patterns are presented in the as measured condition
without any background subtraction or smoothing. Some samples contain elements
that give raised fluorescence, like Fe and Co. No filter or secondary monochromator
has been used to remove this radiation.