ZSM-39 |
Si(100) |
Contributed by Valentin Valtchev
Verified by S. Ernst and by A. Iwasaki
Type Material (SiO2)136 q R. q » 10, (R = TMA+ and TrMA) a
Method I. Vergilov, V. Valtchev [1]
Batch Composition 15 Na2O:16 TrMA:16 (TMA)Cl : 55 SiO2 : 3387 H2O: 10 H2SO4 b,c
Source Materials
bidistilled water
sodium silicate (Riedel de Haen, 63% SiO2, 18% Na2O, 18% H2O)
sulfuric acid (98% H2SO4)
trimethylammonium (TrMA) chloride (Merck, 98% TrMA. HCl)
tetramethylammonium (TMA) chloride (Merck,> 98% (TMA)Cl
Batch Preparation (for 30 g dry product)
(1) [300 g water + 52.5 g sodium silicate], heat and stir until dissolved d
(2) [150 g water + 10.7 g sulfuric acid]
(3) [(1) + (2)], mix thoroughly
(4) [15.29 g trimethylanimonium chloride + 17.54 g tetramethylainmonium chloride + 150 g water], mix thoroughly
(5) [(3) + (4)], mix thoroughly; pH 9.2 to 9.5
Vessel: stainless steel or Teflon jar
Time: 12 to 14 days
Temperature: 200¡C
Agitation: none
Product Recovery
(1) After crystallization, pH 10.5
(2) Filter to recover solids, and wash with hot water
(3) Dry at ambient temperature (drying at 90-110¡C acceptable)
(4) Yield: 88% based on silica
XRD: MTN only crystalline phase,e a0 = 19.39 Å, single crystal structure refinement [2];
competing phases: NU-1 (when gel contains aluminum), quartz (when pH of starting gel >11.5)
Elemental Analysis: 0.0018 Na2O. SiO2 f
Crystal Size and Habit octahedral morphology, 100 to 200 nm dia. [1]
Click here to view XRD pattern
[1] I. Vergiov, V. Valtchev, Zeolites 11 (1991) 387
[2] J. Macicek, V. Valtchev, G. Kirov, in Collected Abstracts, 14th Congress and General Assembly Int. Union of Crystallography, H. C. Freeman (ed.), Lamb Printers, Perth, Australia, 1987, C-134
a. Crystalline product is 7.4 wt% TMA+ and TrMA by thermal analysis.
b. With TMA+ only, complex crystal twins are formed.
c. H2O includes water from sodium silicate, sulfuric acid and added water.
d. Sodium silicate solution must be heated and stirred until converted to a clear solution.
e. XRD patterns of as-synthesized product and product after 600¡C calcination do not differ significantly.
f. Analysis of ZSM-39 calcined for 1 hour at 950¡C in air gave 94.7% SiO2, 0.17% Na2O, and a remainder, probably consisting of carbonaceous material and water.