Analcime | |Na(H2O)| [AlSi2O6] | ![]() |
Morphology: | |||
or pseudo-isometric Single crystals are trapezohedra in sizes ranging from millimeters to several centimeters Common forms: {211} and rarely {100} |
Physical properties: | |||
Cleavage: {100}
poor Hardness: 5 –5.5 Density: 2.22 g/cm3 Luster: vitreous Streak: white |
Analcime (largest crystal 2 cm) with serandite and aegerine, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada | |||
Optical properties: | |||
Color: colorless
to gray colorless in thin section Isotropic or very weakly anisotropic n = 1.479 – 1.493 |
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Analcime (largest crystal 60 μm) in the Barstow Formation, San Bernardino County, California, USA. (Sheppard and Gude 1969) | |||
Crystallography: | |||
Unit cells: | |||
isometric | a = 13.725 Å, space group Ia3d | ||
tetragonal | a =
13.723 Å , c =
13.686 Å, space group I41/acd or I41/a a = 13.721 Å, c = 13.735 Å |
orthorhombic | a =
13.733 Å, b = 13.729 Å c =
13.712 Å, space group Ibca a = 13.727 Å, b = 13.714 Å c = 13.740 Å |
monoclinic | a =
13.73 Å, b = 13.72 Å c =
13.74 Å, β = 90.0 - 90.5°, space group I2/a |
triclinic | a =
13.6824 Å, b = 13.7044 Å c =
13.7063 Å, α = 90.158°, β = 89.569°, γ = 89.545°, space group P1 (Mazzi and Galli, 1978) |
Z = 16 | |||
Name: | |||
Haüy (1797, 1801) gave the name analcime to the mineral that had been called by various informal names, such as zeolithe dure. The new name is derived from the Greek word for “without strength” in allusion to its weak electrical effects induced by friction. Haüy (1801) assigned the occurrence near Catania on the Isola dei Ciclopi (Cyclopean Islands), Sicily, Italy, as the type locality. Analcime is a common zeolite occurring in cavities of altered mafic volcanic rocks, possibly as a primary phase in some undersaturated volcanic rocks, a common product of burial metamorphism, a diagenetic mineral replacing various materials in both open and closed hydrologic systems, precipitates from strongly alkaline waters, and in low temperature hydrothermal veins. | |||
Crystal structure: | |||
The determination of the structure of analcime by Taylor (1930) was a milestone in zeolite mineralogy. Not only was it the first zeolite structure to be solved, but the discovery that (Si,Al)O4 tetrahedra are in a framework arrangement became the basis for a new definition of zeolite (Hey 1930). Taylor (1930) determined the structure in the cubic space group Ia3d. | ![]() |
The analcime framework consists of singly-connected 4-rings, arranged in chains coiled around tetrad screw axes (see ANA and Gottardi and Galli, 1985, p. 9). Parallel chains alternate 41 and 43 screw axes. Every 4-ring is a part of three mutually perpendicular chains, each parallel to a crystallographic axis. Cages, which contain the Na-cations and water molecules, occur near where chains interconnect, and each T-site is part of three cages. In the cubic space group every T-site is equivalent to every other T-site, and therefore, the Si,Al distribution among these sites must be random. Na |
cations (yellow in the figure) are in the centers of these cages, but there are 24 cages in the unit cell. Therefore, the Na cations (generally about 16, but may be from 12 to 17) must also be randomly distributed among the cages. Water molecules (blue circles) fully occupy the 16 sites in the unit cell. Any excess water molecules must be randomly distributed in unoccupied Na sites. | |||
It has long been known that many analcime crystals are not optically isotropic, and therefore, must be non-cubic. Early single crystal X-ray diffraction work by Coombs (1955) showed that such crystals are indeed non-cubic. Mazzi and Galli (1978) refined the structures of seven different analcime crystals, five in the tetragonal space group I41/acd and two in the orthorhombic space group Ibca. Most tetragonal crystals have a > c, but one sample has c > a. Hazen and Finger (1979) determined the unit cell dimensions of another different 15 analcime crystals, many of which are cubic, tetragonal, and orthorhombic. Several have monoclinic symmetry with the 2-fold axes parallel to either the pseudocubic [100] or [110] directions, and one is triclinic. | |||
Lower symmetry is a result of preferential Al occupancy in some of the T-sites. Mazzi and Galli (1978) showed that in the tetragonal crystals with a > c two cages are equivalent and contain most of the Na with Al concentrated in the nearby T-sites. For tetragonal crystals with c > a the two equivalent cages have less Na and associated Al than the third. In orthorhombic crystals all three cages have different Na occupancies and Al in the nearby T-sites. Because the structure of monoclinic and triclinic crystals have not been refined, ordering patterns in these crystal are not known, but the ordering may be similar to that in wairakite. Fine lamellar, pseudo-merohedral twinning on {110} is present in all non-cubic crystals. |
Chemical composition: |
The compositional range of analcime can
be expressed with the generalized formula: |Na16-x (H2O)16+x| [Al16-x Si32+x O96], in which x varies between -3.4 and +4.3. Representative analyses are given in Deer et al. (2004, table 24). The main compositional variation is in the Si/Al of the framework with the necessary adjustments of Na for charge balance and possibly H2O to make room for Na or to fill empty sites. Over all analyzed samples Si ranges from 28.6 (approximately equivalent to the Si/Al of natrolite) to 36.3 (similar to albite) per unit cell. To a large extent the Si content is related to the precursor materials (glass or zeolite) and the environment of crystallization. With the exception of samples from some metamorphic rocks, analcime has very minor amounts of non-framework cations other than Na. |
All early analyses and many of the more recent ones are on coarse-grained crystals from cavities in basaltic rocks. Compositions in this group tend to cluster near 32 Si per unit cell, but vary between 31 and 33. Analcime from all other occurrences shows a wider variation. The lowest Si contents are from analcime that crystallized in igneous rocks, where there is some evidence suggesting that analcime might be a liquidus phase or in other cases is a result of subsolidus reactions. Most of these samples contain between 0.6 to 0.9 wt % Fe2O3, which may be from inclusions, but the reasonable charge balances in some cases suggest the Fe3+ is actually in tetrahedral sites. | |
Because analcime has the same framework as wairakite, leucite, pollucite, and ammonioleucite, one might expect the major cations of these minerals, Ca, K, Cs, and NH4, respectively, to be present in at least moderate amounts. However, this is true only in rare circumstances. | |
Very low-grade metamorphic rocks, whether formed by burial or weak contact metamorphism, have the highest Ca contents. Surdam (1966) and Harada et al. (1972) report samples intermediate between analcime and wairakite. In all metamorphic rocks Si varies between 31.7 and 34.5 atoms per unit cell, including samples surveyed by the X‑ray method (Coombs and Whetten, 1967). Analcime that formed by the replacement of leucite commonly have high K (greater than about 0.7 ions per unit cell), that may be residual from precursor crystal. | |
Analcime as an alteration product of terrestrial accumulations of rhyolitic tuff and ignimbrite in both open and closed hydrologic systems tends to have compositions between 34 and 35 Si per unit cell. The highest Si contents known are from active hydrothermal systems of Yellowstone National Park, where contents over 36 Si per unit cell have been measured. The Yellowstone samples contain very little Ca, but have fractionated Cs (up to 4700 ppm) from the fluids. | |
The water content of analcime, especially those with high Si compositions, is not clearly defined by available analytical data. Even with the more recent analyses given in Deer et al. (2004, table 24), there is a wide scatter of points, indicating a substantial variation in composition in samples with Si contents near 32 per unit cell. There is also a general increase of water content along the trend toward 35 Si per unit cell. Sixteen water molecules per unit cell corresponds to 8.18 weight per cent H2O, and 17 corresponds to 8.65 weight per cent H2O. Therefore, samples must be carefully cleaned of included minerals (clays), equilibrated with a constant humidity, and analyzed using as large a sample as possible. Estimating water content by difference, as with microprobe analyses, will not yield useful results. |