2007 Donald W. Breck Award

The 2007 Donald W. Breck Award will be given to an individual or a group for the most significant contribution to molecular sieve science and technology
  achieved between January 1st 2004 and December 31st 2006.
The Award is administered by the International Zeolite Association.
The Award Committee is soliciting nominations
  to be received no later than January 31st 2007.
Nominations should be sent to the (non-voting) chairman of the Award Committee

Dr. Giuseppe Bellussi
Eni Refining & Marketing Division
Via Maritano 26
20097 San Donato Milanese

  The nomination must be accompanied by
  a list of references
a two-page summary outlining in detail the novel findings and their scientific merit
an endorsement by five established zeolite scientists

last updated: 15-December-2006